Tehilim – Psalm 11 | can save a person who has enemies
Psalm 11 can save a person who has enemies.
It is good to say the psalm against bad people and dangers. And also for those who are afraid that bad people will make them sin.
Tehilim – Psalm 11
1To the orchestrator of david,within Hashem iv'e taken shelter,how can you tell my soul to wander as a bird to hide under other mountains.
2 for you see the wicked will load their bows will ready their arrows on the string to fire upon those with righteous heart.
3 the wicked's foundation will ruin but the righteous will be rewarded.
4.Hashem within his holy palace,Hashem the heavens his sit,his eyes will foresee,will test all men
5.Hashem will test the righteous,and despise those who are wicked and partake in evil
6.Upon the wicked he will rain burning coals,flames and sulfur,Burning wind is their meal.
7.For Hashem is righteous and sides with those who are righteous,only the righteous will behold his holy light.
The Psalm 11 must be said 7 times
and then the following prayer:
ado-nai helohey (god) of sky,
Creator of the heavens and the universe and beyond,
Creator of the land and the earth and all life.
You created me and everything is visible and known before you,
And the bad thing I did several times,
And now my soul yearns and longs and wants to be saved from all the evils of the wicked who want to confuse me from always doing mitzvahs and good deeds as it is written and commanded in your Torah.
please save my soul,
strengthen my heart and my thoughts,
May I not be tempted to listen and follow the counsel of the wicked,
Whose actions and hearts are full of white passion, desire & bad lust, and the pleasures of this world.
That's why I ask for your mercy in your holy name "Yod Ha" ("י-ה"),
I ask your face to watch over me (I'm – here will mention his name) in this thing that I prayed before you.
Amen, in strength forever.
Save me from my enemies who just bully me for no reason and try to do me harm,
And I do not pursue them to do them harm or evil, but they pursue me:
In business, at home, at work in my life and with my partner and my wife and children…
Here everyone – can detail here more in prayer in his own words, what people are persecuting him.