prayer center

Prayer center of Breslav Chassidim institutions

According to the Torah opinion and worldview of Rabbi Nachman of Breslav 

At the prayer center – you will find useful prayers in all areas of life, a rabbi will also stand by you with a brain in matters of spiritual acceptance and psychology in the Torah way of Hasidism to give advice and answers to all problems.

The focus of the prayers is praying for the people of Israel and for the whole world – on the condition that they are not idolaters and teachers of one God (without partners) – if you have this simple faith, we will be happy to help you in your prayers and ours, and you, with Hashem's help, will see miracles and wonders.

Donations to the Institutions of charity – "breslevmeir" for meals for the poor of Jerusalem are welcome at the following link – paypal

breslove center prayer

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