Daily Chizuk

Do you love praying? Join our Daily Chizuk and praying Group of  Rabbi Nachman Hassidim of Breslevmeir yeshiva and other Hasidic books with prayers and Torah studies that uplift the soul and fill life with divine and spiritual light and love – https://chat.whatsapp.com/L9rfyrMFbDxB6hSszW14SH

The best prayer – We must praise the Lord

We must praise – is a prayer said by believing Jews, as a signature at the end of all prayers. We are obliged to give praise to the master of everything to give greatness to…

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To Find yourself in Every Psalm

find yourself when you pray psalms Remember the essence of your spiritual power and build and bring you closer to God, When you pray Psalms, And you will feel and find yourself with everything you…

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The blossoming of nature is the time for the redemption of your soul

Spring has arrived, a holiday of the blossoming of nature, Even these days all the creatures of the world are waking up from the sleep of winter, This is how our mind and soul awaken,…

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7th of Adar – Yarzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu

7th of Adar – Yarzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu | you & no-one Should Not Deprive Himself from the Mercy of god. Remember some important and powerful rules for building your salvation: Never despair yourself of…

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Dream Cleansing

Why should I need Dream Cleansing to clear a dream or take spiritual action to fulfill it? Dreams are an energetic force that speaks to us, Believe it or not – reality shows that dreams…

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Pray For True Goodness | "Hashem" Created the Entire World for you

Pray For True Goodness  | You have difficulties in life, and you are full of questions with yourself Why God is this happening to me? Listen well and put into your heart the words of…

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Dreams prayer

Dreams Prayer – Sweet Dreams Are Made from This prayer In your hand the merciful God, I will entrust my spirit. Therefore redeem and preserve and save me from all evil – truth God. dreams…

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Tehillim Psalms 91 | prayer for protection from evil

Psalm 91 in Tehillim is called "Pray Against Evil" or "a song to guard against bad times and troubles". This (Psalms 91) is a prayer for protection from evil. said as a virtue against witchcraft…

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Do not get confused you only have Today

Do not get confused you only have Today: Have you encountered in your life the situation that arises in you desire to start doing things to change your life for the better and better quality,…

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Turn The Depression Into Joy | You can help yourself

You can help yourself! The Depression Itself Should Turn Into Joy! Turn The Depression Into Joy On the subject of joy – illustrated through a parable: Sometimes when people are happy and dancing, they grab…

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Keep Adding and Going / Chanukah

Keep Adding and Going Through the mitzvah of Chanukah we merit to draw upon us fierceness of holiness in such a manner that we can strengthen ourselves in our service of Hashem constantly, and the…

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return to God is it difficult

is it difficult for a person to return to God? NO! Every One Can Easily Return to Hashem But Hashem plans, thinks and orchestrates, so that no soul should be pushed aside from Him, and…

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Tikkun haklali

Rabbi Nachman's promise of Tikkun haklali – The Ten Psalms: Bear witness to my words. When my days are over and I leave this world, I will still intercede for anyone who comes to my…

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