The power of music

The power of music

Rebbe Nachman said on The power of music: *It's good for a person to learn the habit of being able to revive himself through a song*, because song is a very great and lofty thing, and has the power to awaken and draw a persons heart closer towards Hashem, and even one who doesn't know how to sing properly, nevertheless in his own house, or when he's sitting by himself he can revive himself through a song just the way he knows how to sing it, for the greatness of a song is unimaginable.

(Sichos HaRan, 273)

The power of music

*The Greatness of a Song is Unimaginable*

As much as it can be useful for the ascension of the soul.

And on the contrary, music from *non-kosher musicians and singers* can draw a person to the dark and black and evil places, fears and distance from the truth and faith in the Creator of the world.

*Therefore, search for your soul* – Hasidic songs, songs of true faith – be strong and let your heart fly and cling with complete faith to the light that is clean of all evil, by the grace of the ancient creator who has the powers, the faithful God – Hashem may his name be blessed.

Yours, *Rabbi Amiel of the Breslav Jerusalem*

Sorry, we haven't sent reinforcements for a long time – because they are persecuting the world of the Torah, the students of the Gemara (Talmud), there is no financial budget, there are many bad decrees – but for thousands of years they have wanted to turn off the light – and always the hand of faith from the creation of the world and the recipient of the Torah wins, because the light is the truth of the creator cannot be extinguished. And whoever invests in shares in such days to be part of the Torah scholars – wins in this world and certainly eternal good in the life to come.

הראה עוד

מאמר מקושר

כתיבת תגובה